
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Weird development of Keyloggers..

How comfortable would you be if you can read someone's every single word that typed, including email messages, passwords, and IM conversations and so on? Definitely you may feel its really awesome, in other end you may feel its terrible if you knew someone out there monitoring on you. It can and does happen via a bit of code known as a keylogger. A keylogger is a computer program that logs each keystroke a user types on a keyboard and saves this data into a file or transfers it via the Internet to a predetermined remote host. The keyloggers represent a serious threat to your computer’s security and personal privacy. It’s a kind of weird development in computer history

Basically there are two types of keyloggers

1) H/W keyloggers and
2) S/W keyloggers

Hardware Keyloggers plug in between a computer keyboard and a computer and log all keyboard activity on an internal memory.They are designed to work with PS/2 keyboards, and more recentlywith USB keyboards.

Hardware keyloggers have an advantage over software keyloggers as they begin logging from the moment a computer is turned on (and are therefore able to collect a BIOS password for instance), and do not require software installation (unlike software solutions).

But the SW keyloggers are much more powerful than the H/W keyloggers because now they are integrated with some Spy wares as well. Also we could find out HW keyloggers easily but to find an installed SW keylogger is a really hard job. It will entirely monitor what you have typed on your computer also processes currenly running on your computer as well as able to send keytrokes, chats, websites, screenshots of you computer desktop and passwords periodically as an email attachment or FTP to unknown parties. All the things are running as a hidden background process and you can’t view that process through the normal task manager.

Also some keylogger soft wares allow you to install it on a remote PC on your network or sent it to someone as an email attachments.

Here are some keyloggers I found in

I suggest you to use it for some testing and educational purposes only, but if you try to use it in order to hack or to damage someone's PC, remember that there are some ways to find out who exactly installed the keylogger and currently monitoring.